Wednesday, July 4, 2007


Warren Pennsylvania is a small town in northwestern PA about 60 miles east of Erie, 100 miles south of Buffalo and 150 miles north of Pittsburgh. This is where I grew up, and I recently attended my 20th high school reunion. Although the food was absolutely terrible I had a great time seeing former classmates again. Funny how people go with different names these days- Liz vs Beth, Geno vs Sean...

I was one of those people who had come from a long way away- Seattle. Also there were people from San Diego, Orange County CA, and Colorado. Most people there were from the East Coast and most were still in PA...

I picked up the Reagan Diaries book on the way to Pennsylvania. I think a lot of people are nostalgic about the days of Reagan, but its funny how tacky he was, how easy to cry he was, how every time Nancy left the White House on her own he remarked that he was lonesome. Those times were different.

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